Changes in KaarPux version 3.6.5¶
KaarPux version 3.6.5
released on 2013-jun-27
- Mozilla and LibreOffice Updated
- Other packages updated and added
- Signature check on many upstream packages
- Bugs fixed and minor improvements
Mozilla and LibreOffice Updated¶
Other packages updated and added¶
- UPD: nemiver: v 0.9.4 (Commit 9aa306cb)
- UPD: freetype: v (Commit 96f46b7f)
- UPD: graphviz: v 2.30.1 (Commit 2cec7466)
- UPD: dhcpcd: v 6.0.2; also small configuration changes (Commit 6a49c25d)
- UPD: sqlite: v 3.7.17 (Commit 28a39ca6)
- ADD: wxWidgets codelite (Commit 92a807f3)
- ADD: gd: prereq for graphviz (Commit 2359cc69)
Signature check on many upstream packages¶
- IMPROVE: KxBuild: add functions for verifying GPG signatures on upstream tarballs (Commit e7e9be23)
- IMPROVE: KxBuild: add trusted keys for verifying GPG signatures on upstream tarballs (Commit 41b1e3f3)
- IMPROVE: *: verify GPG signature on upstream tarball (Commit ce46d360)
- IMPROVE: KxBuild: Gracefully handle file downloads when no GnuPG is available (Commit d5042093)
Bugs fixed¶
Minor Changes¶
- MINOR: man-pages: use kernelxz for download (Commit 9ea042f9)
- MINOR: pciutils: use kernelxz for download (Commit 81529a9e)
- MINOR: kmod: use kernelxz for download (Commit 17c338d2)
- MINOR: usbutils: use kernelxz for download (Commit f93d55fb)
- IMPROVE: *: add verify_cli testcases (Commit 4ee91e34)
- IMPROVE: kx_ver_wiz: option to update to specified upstream version (Commit 50bb3cc8)