Verifying KaarPux

Verifying the Toolchain

To verify that the toolchain works:

cd ${KX}

The output should end with:

OK [ make check ] completed successfully

if everything worked out. simply verifies:

  • That the autotools are not totally borked.
  • That we can build a simple C library and executable - and execute it.
  • That we can build a simple C++ executable (linking to STL) - and execute it.
  • That the various binutils utilities are working on the files generated above.

Verifying the Comman-Line-Interface

To verify that the CLI (command-line-interface) programs are working: KX=/home/kaarpux/kaarpux cd ${KX} verify/

The output should end with:

OK: Test completed successfully

if everything worked out. simply verifies, that the CLI programs installed in /bin are not totally borked.

Please note, that only a few packages currently have verifications defined.

Verifying GUI programs

To verify that the GUI (Graphical User Interface) programs are working:

cd ${KX}

The output should end with:

OK: Test completed successfully

if everything worked out. simply verifies, that the installed GUI programs can be launched and are not totally borked.

Please note, that only a few packages currently have```` verifications defined.